A Website of Authors and Anonymous Works c. 1100–1530
Edited by
Stephan Borgehammar, Karsten Friis-Jensen, Lars Boje Mortensen & Åslaug Ommundsen
The purpose of this website is to provide in-depth introductions to all known literary works written in Latin in the Nordic countries before the Reformation (ca 1530). Thus we hope to document the breadth and importance of writings in Latin which have too often been treated as footnotes to the vernacular literatures.
There are four types of entries: (1) named authors, (2) titles of anonymous works (3) saints, including legends, sermons, liturgical texts belonging to each Nordic saint (found under sanctus / sancta), (4) a few collective articles on genres such as Annales and Catalogi.
A few entries of important authors are still missing, most notably Sancta Birgitta, Wilhelm of Æbelholt, Brynolf Algotsson, and Magister Matthias.
Authors of individual articles are credited at the beginning of each entry. The publication date of the website is 2012.
Articles should be referred to as [Author] [Entry] 2012 in Medieval Nordic Literature in Latin (eds Borgehammar, Friis-Jensen, Mortensen, Ommundsen) (Most articles are updated up to c. 2008, sometimes further updates are made.)