Diarum fratrum minorum Visbyensium: Difference between revisions
Created page with 'by Stephan Borgehammar '''Diarium fratrum minorum Visbyensium''' The title refers to Stockholm, Royal Library, (Holm.) B 99. The work has also been called Diarium minoritarum Wis…' |
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by Stephan Borgehammar | by Stephan Borgehammar | ||
'''Diarium fratrum minorum Visbyensium''' The title refers to Stockholm, Royal Library, (Holm.) B 99. The work has also been called Diarium minoritarum Wisbyensium ab anno 686 ad annum 1525 and Annales fratrum minorum in Visby. The oldest part is the necrological calendar which was begun in the middle of the fourteenth century. To this have been added various groups of annals and obituary entries, and at the end of the manuscript a handsome list of persons buried in the convent. Most of the annalistic material was written by a hand whose last entry can be dated to 1412, but additions to the manuscript continued to be made until 1527. | '''Diarium fratrum minorum Visbyensium''' The title refers to Stockholm, Royal Library, (Holm.) B 99. The work has also been called Diarium minoritarum Wisbyensium ab anno 686 ad annum 1525 and Annales fratrum minorum in Visby. The oldest part is the necrological calendar which was begun in the middle of the fourteenth century. To this have been added various groups of annals and obituary entries, and at the end of the manuscript a handsome list of persons buried in the convent. Most of the annalistic material was written by a hand whose last entry can be dated to 1412, but additions to the manuscript continued to be made until 1527. | ||
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*2) A necrological calendar with four missing leaves, containing some 70 entries dated 1344-1549; six of these have an annalistic character: 23.1 (1427), 23.2 (1389), 8.4 (1415), 20.4 (1407), 13.7 (1410) and 24.8 (1527) (pp. 2-41). | *2) A necrological calendar with four missing leaves, containing some 70 entries dated 1344-1549; six of these have an annalistic character: 23.1 (1427), 23.2 (1389), 8.4 (1415), 20.4 (1407), 13.7 (1410) and 24.8 (1527) (pp. 2-41). | ||
*3) Twenty-nine annals pertaining to the period 686–1408, not in chronological order, mainly based on Danish annalistic material (pp. 42-43). | *3) Twenty-nine annals pertaining to the period 686–1408, not in chronological order, mainly based on Danish annalistic material (pp. 42-43). | ||
*4) Chronica Visbyensis 815-1444 ( | *4) Chronica Visbyensis 815-1444 ([[Annales Suecici]]) (pp. 43-49). | ||
*5) Three obituaries, one 1409 and two 1443, with information on goods bequeathed to the Franciscans of Visby (lingual between pp. 48 and 49). | *5) Three obituaries, one 1409 and two 1443, with information on goods bequeathed to the Franciscans of Visby (lingual between pp. 48 and 49). | ||
*6) >Annales Visbyenses 67-1287 (pp. 50-52). | *6) >Annales Visbyenses 67-1287 (pp. 50-52). |
Revision as of 09:04, 9 July 2012
by Stephan Borgehammar
Diarium fratrum minorum Visbyensium The title refers to Stockholm, Royal Library, (Holm.) B 99. The work has also been called Diarium minoritarum Wisbyensium ab anno 686 ad annum 1525 and Annales fratrum minorum in Visby. The oldest part is the necrological calendar which was begun in the middle of the fourteenth century. To this have been added various groups of annals and obituary entries, and at the end of the manuscript a handsome list of persons buried in the convent. Most of the annalistic material was written by a hand whose last entry can be dated to 1412, but additions to the manuscript continued to be made until 1527.
The whole manuscript has been published, but only piecemeal (plans for a complete up-to-date edition exist but have not yet been realized). Here follows a list of its contents followed by a conspectus of the various editions:
- 1) A list in three columns of Franciscan convents and provincial chapters in the province of Dacia (p. 1).
- 2) A necrological calendar with four missing leaves, containing some 70 entries dated 1344-1549; six of these have an annalistic character: 23.1 (1427), 23.2 (1389), 8.4 (1415), 20.4 (1407), 13.7 (1410) and 24.8 (1527) (pp. 2-41).
- 3) Twenty-nine annals pertaining to the period 686–1408, not in chronological order, mainly based on Danish annalistic material (pp. 42-43).
- 4) Chronica Visbyensis 815-1444 (Annales Suecici) (pp. 43-49).
- 5) Three obituaries, one 1409 and two 1443, with information on goods bequeathed to the Franciscans of Visby (lingual between pp. 48 and 49).
- 6) >Annales Visbyenses 67-1287 (pp. 50-52).
- 7) Four annalistic entries dated 1441-1443, on the coronation of King Christopher and improvements to the convent buildings (p. 52), followed by an empty page (p. 53).
- 8) Annalistic entries 1310-1419, chiefly concerning Franciscan provincial chapters and construction work on the convent church in Visby (pp. 54-56).
- 9) List of persons buried in the convent (pp. 56-69).
- 10) Eleven obituary notices 1434-39 followed by three annalistic entries 1524-25 (pp. 69-70).
(In addition the paste-downs contain copies of documents. Inside front cover: a notarial instrument concerning a transaction between Mathias Egidii clericus Arosiensis and Hillebrandus Wyse ciues Wisbicensis dated 9 May 1343, unedited. Inside back cover: a letter of recommendation for a Franciscan student returning home from Erfurt dated 1 May 1400, ed. in SRS 1:1, 39 and SRD 6, 573; and a circular requesting prayers for a benefactor of the convent in Visby dated 17 April 1404, ed. in SRD 6, 573.)
- 1) • SRD 6, 572.
- 2) LUDEWIG 1731, 197-208; • SRD 6, 557-66; an entry on p. 36 dated 16.11 1358, about a gift to the convent, ed. DS, 6017.
- 3) LUDEWIG 1731, 193-96 and 175-76; • PAULSSON 1974, 326-28.
- 4) LUDEWIG 1731, 176-93; SRS 1:1, 39-47; • PAULSSON 1974, 315-25.
- 5) • PAULSSON 1974, 328-29.
- 6) LUDEWIG 1731, 212-17; SRD 1, 251-56; • AD, 136-37; KROMAN 1980, 145-48; facs. in CCD 5, 229-32.
- 7) • PAULSSON 1974, 329.
- 8) LUDEWIG 1731, 196 f. (the last entry, i.e. for 1410, only); • PAULSSON 1974, 329-32.
- 9) • SRD 6, 567-71.
- 10) LUDEWIG 1731, 193 (the entries for 1524-1525 only); • PAULSSON 1974, 333-34.
Note on the older editions: The texts printed in LUDEWIG 1731 are based on copies made from Chronologiae Danicae Systema, which is a collection of transcripts gathered by Stephen Hansen Stephanius (1599-1650), now Uppsala, University Library, DG 25-29, fols. 158v-169r (= DG 26, sections 22-25); Stephanius’s transcripts are already faulty, and LUDEWIG’s edition is marred by many errors, transpositions and omissions. In SRD 1, which is also based on a copy of Stephanius’s transcript, the Annales Danici 67-1287 (251-56) is followed without a break by annals for the period after 1287 drawn from nos. 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 and arranged in chronological order (256-66); the whole is entitled Annales fratrum minorum Wisbyenses 67-1525. In SRS 1:1 nos. 3, 7, 8 and 10 appear as a single chronological series with the title Diarium minoritarum Visbyensium ab anno 686 ad annum 1525 (33-39), whereas no. 4 is edited separately as Chronologia Svecica ex codice minoritarum Wisbyensium ab anno 815 ad annum 1412 (39-47).
- AD = Annales Danici medii aevi, ed. E. Jørgensen, Copenhagen 1920.
- ANDERSSON, I. 1928: Källstudier till Sveriges historia 1230-1436. Inhemska berättande källor jämte Libellus Magnipolensis, Lund.
- AXELSON, S. 1961: “Källförhållandet mellan Visbykrönikan, Förbindelsedikten och Ericus Olai verk Chronica Gothorum,” HistTS 81, 1-34.
- AXELSON, S. 1963: “Förhållandet mellan Visbykrönikan och Ericus Olai verk Chronica Gothorum. Ett tillägg,” HistTS 83, 278-288.
- BLOM, C. 1972: Förbindelsedikten och de medeltida rimkrönikorna. Studier kring omarbetningen av Erikskrönikan och tillkomsten av Förbindelsedikten samt dessa krönikedelars plats i den medeltida rimkröniketraditionen (Bibliotheca historica Lundensis 28), Lund.
- • BOLIN, S. 1931: Om Nordens äldsta historieforskning: Studier över dess metodik och källvärde (Lunds Universitets årsskrift, n.s., sect. 1, vol. 27, no. 3), Lund.
- BOLIN, S. 1935: “Folkungarna. En terminologisk och historiografisk undersökning,” Scandia 8, 210-42 (in particular p. 228, n. 4).
- CCD 5: KROMAN 1962.
- DS: Diplomatarium Suecanum. Stockholm 1829-.
- ENGSTRÖM, S. 1929: “Landsförvisningen av de svenska oppositionsledarna 1362-63,” HistTS 49, 310-26.
- ERSLEV, K. 1881–1882: “Studier til Dronning Margrethes Historie,” HistTD, ser. 5, vol. 3. 333-425.
- FANT, E.M. 1818: SRS 1:1, Uppsala.
- HÖGLUND, T. 1953: “Visbyannalernas uppgift om Stockholms grundläggning. Ett inlägg i en källkritisk diskussion,” in Studier och handlingar rörande Stockholms historia 2, ed. N. Ahnlund, Uppsala & Stockholm, 1-43.
- KROMAN, E. (ed.) 1962: Scriptores rerum Danicarum, altera pars: Annales, CCD 5, Copenhagen.
- KROMAN, E. (ed.) 1980: Danmarks middelalderlige annaler, udgivet ved Erik Kroman på grundlag af M. Cl. Gertz’, Marcus Lorenzens og Ellen Jørgensens udgaver. Copenhagen.
- • KUMLIEN, K. 1979: Historieskrivning och kungadöme i svensk medeltid (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handlingar, Hist. ser. 20). Stockholm.
- LANGEBEK, J. 1772: SRD 1, Copenhagen.
- LINDSTRÖM, G. 1892: Anteckningar om Gotlands medeltid 1, Stockholm (repr. Visby, 1978).
- LUDEWIG, J. 1731: Reliquiae manuscriptorum omnis aevi diplomatum ac monumentorum, ineditorum adhuc, IX, Francofurti et Lipsiae.
- NYGREN, E. 1929: “Källstudier till Sveriges historia 1230-1436,” Scandia 2, 89-106 (review of I. Andersson).
- • PAULSSON, G. (ed.) 1974: Annales Suecici medii aevi. Svensk medeltidsannalistik kommenterad och utgiven (Bibliotheca historica Lundensis 32), Lund.
- VON DER ROPP, G. 1876: Zur deutsch-skandinavischen Geschichte des XV. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig.
- ROSÉN, J. 1958: “Diarier,” cols. 64-69 in KLNM 3, Malmö.
- SCHÄFER, D. 1872: Dänische Annalen und Chroniken von der Mitte des 13. bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts, Hannover.
- SJÖSTEDT, L. 1952: “Rydårboken och årboken 67-1287. Om förhållandet mellan två danska annaler,” in Gottfrid Carlsson 18.12.1952, Lund, 10-14.
- SRD 1 = LANGEBEK 1772.
- SRD 6 = SUHM 1786
- SRS 1:1 = FANT 1818
- SUHM , P.F. 1786: SRD 6, Copenhagen.
- THORDEMAN, B. 1944: Invasion på Gotland 1361. Dikt och verklighet. Uppsala.
- TORTZEN, C. 1961: Gotland 1361. Copenhagen.